A function for retrieving the agenda for a specific meeting.
A data.frame with the following variables:
response_date | Date of data retrieval |
version | Data version from the API |
agenda_number | The agenda number for the session |
meeting_date | Date of the meeting |
meeting_id | Meeting id |
meeting_place | Where the meeting was held |
agenda_case_reference | Reference for the case on the agenda |
agenda_case_number | Case number |
agenda_case_text | Case description |
agenda_case_type | Case type |
footnote | Footnote for the case |
proposition_id | If relevant, belonging proposition id |
committee_id | If relevant, id of the responsible committee |
loose_proposals | Whether there are loose proposals to the case |
case_id | Id of the case |
question_hour_type | If relevant, type of question hour |
question_id | If relevant, question id |
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
meetings0910 <- get_session_meetings("2009-2010")
meeting_agenda <- get_meeting_agenda(meetings0910$meeting_id[161])
} # }