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A function for retrieving detailed overview of the question hour for a specific meeting


get_question_hour(meetingid = NA, good_manners = 0)



Character string indicating the id of the meeting to request all votes from


Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function


A list with ten data frames:

  1. $root (download meta data)

    response_dateDate of data retrieval
    versionData version from the API
    meetingidThe called meeting id
  2. $question_hour_ministers (id of ministers in parliament during question hour/time)

    idId of ministers attending
  3. $question_time

    question_justificationJustification for question
    answer_by_idId for answering minister
    answer_by_minister_idId for department of answering minister
    answer_by_minister_titleTitle for department of answering minister
    answer_dateDate of receiving answer
    answer_on_behalf_of_idId of minister answered on behalf of, when relevant
    answer_on_behalf_of_minister_idId of department answered on behalf of, when relevant
    answer_on_behalf_of_minister_titleTitle of department answered on behalf of, when relevant
    agenda_case_numberCase number on agenda
    dateDate question hour was held
    moved_toDate moved to
    asked_by_other_idId for minister asking on behalf of another, when relevant
    question_idQuestion id
    correct_personNot documented in API
    correct_person_minister_idNot documented in API
    correct_person_minister_titleNot documented in API
    sent_dateDate question was sent
    session_idSession id
    question_textFull question text
    question_from_idId of MP asking the question
    question_numberQuestion number
    question_to_idId of minister the question was asked to
    question_to_minister_idDepartment id of minister the question was asked to
    question_to_minister_titleDepartment title of minister the question was asked to
    statusQuestion status
    answerAnswer text (often empty)
    titleQuestion title
    typeQuestion type
  4. $publication_reference

    export_idExport id for publication (see get_publication())
    link_textDescription text for publication
    link_urlURL for publication
    typeType of publication
    sub_typeSubtype for publication (location)


if (FALSE) {