A function for retrieving Norwegian MP pictures by id.
- mpid
Character string indicating the id of the MP to retrieve.
- size
Character string size of the picture. Accepts values "lite" (small), "middels" (medium – default), and "stort" (big).
- destfile
Character string specifying where to save the picture
- show_plot
Logical. FALSE (default) if no plot should be produced and TRUE if plot should be produced. Requires the "imager" package.
- good_manners
Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Request one MP by id
get_mp_pic(mpid = "AAMH", destfile = "~/Pictures/AAMH.jpeg", show_plot = TRUE, size = "stort")
# With good manners for multiple calls
lapply(c("AAMH", "CIH", "TKF"), function(x){
get_mp_pic(mpid = x, destfile = paste0("~/Pictures/", x),
show_plot = TRUE, size = "stort", good_manners = 2)
} # }